I took a trip to Target a few weeks ago, and the check out girl told us we better get our winter gear, NOW. She warned that as soon as a weather person utters the word "snow" the stuff literally flies off the shelves. I asked her where do you get snow boots and the like and she grinned and said "right here, of course". Of course.
So, last week I went back to Target and got us all snow boots and coats, hats and mittens for the kids. Getting them to put it all on for the photo was easy; getting them to take it off and let me put it away was another matter entirely.
We've been told by several people since we moved here that one of the reasons we are going to love living in NJ is the mild weather. "We don't have tornadoes, hurricanes, or much winter weather at all." I gotta tell you their Target tells a different story about the winter weather. There were 3, yes 3, aisles in shoes devoted to winter boots for the entire family. There were 2 large rounders of heavy winter coats in the babies and toddlers department. I think we are in for it.