Okay, maybe it is sticking a bit.
On Friday, Jarrett's school planned a field trip to a pumpkin patch and we all went. It was a gorgeous day and a lot of fun. They also had some animals which I think was Jarrett and Cara's favorite part of being there. Jarrett got a big kick out of feeding the animals which kind of tickled me since he lately seems to have developed a fear of dogs. Full grown ones that is. Cara wasn't so much about putting her hand in the fence to feed them but loved watching Jarrett do it.
Also in the news, Jim had a birthday last Friday and we had a little celebration. Poor Jarrett, he has celebrated Cara's birthday and now Jim's and he just can't understand why it isn't his yet. I have explained to him that first it was Cara's, then Daddy's, then Halloween, then Jarrett's birthday and I think he may have it now. I think that because everyday, at least 10 times a day, he tells me, ticking each event off on his fingers. "Mommy, first it's Cara's birthday, then Daddy's birthday, then Halloween's birthday, then Jarrett's birthday, right? Yes, Jarrett. "Then I get big Doc, right?" Maybe so, Jarrett. My worry? First thing Saturday morning, he's going to wonder why we aren't celebrating his birthday. Oh, well, a teachable moment.
Friday night, when I was putting Jarrett to bed, he absolutely touched my heart. I was tucking him in and telling him I loved him, saying prayers and all that. As i was about to get up from the side of his bed, he said to me "I want Mommy music". I wasn't sure I understood him so I asked him to repeat himself and he did. So I told him I would turn on his CD as I left the room and he said to me "how 'bout you sing?" so I asked him what did he want me to sing, should I sing the moon song? And he says "no, sing don't cry?" Don't cry? What's don't cry? then he sings "baby don't cry?" And then I knew. He wanted me to sing Baby Mine, which I learned from a cassette (that's how long ago it was) that my sister Lisa copied for me of Disney songs recorded by popular artists. This one happened to have been done by Bonnie Raitt and it has long been one of my favorite songs and one I had dreamed for years (like close to 20 of them) that I would someday sing to my kids. And i have, to both of them, sung it regularly. Partly because it is one of the only songs that I can just sing in its entirety off the top of my head but mostly because I love it. And that busy little boy stared into my eyes the entire time I sang it to him and when I was gave me a big grin and said thank you. Absolutely melted me.
On Saturday, we had tickets to the 3rd game of the World Series in Philadelphia...how exciting is that? We went and had a great time although did not stay for entire game because the weather was awful. It was cold windy and very rainy and we just weren't willing to sit out in it and there was really no place to sit or even stand out of the weather. Now had it been the Cardinals playing, we might have been willing to risk pneumonia for the whole game. Again, still so exciting to have gotten to go at all.
Did you think we were the only babies who wouldn't go to our seats?
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