Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another One to Add to Our List

I guess every place we live, we have to check out the ER. On Thursday afternoon, Jarrett and Cara were playing in her room and J saw a book on a high shelf he wanted to get to. So he started to climb the shelf, and she started to climb the shelf, and it pulled out enough to knock some items off the higher shelves and one of them split his little head open. Just above and to the left of the last split of his that took us to the ER. Sheesh. The kid is going through life forehead first, apparently.

It has been my nightmare that he would require a trip to the ER while I was at home alone with he and Cara because I haven't been sure of just how I would handle it. And of course, it happened, just days after our move across the country to a place where we have no family and no friends yet. Yeah! What timing! Thank goodness for our new neighbors...they absolutely came to the rescue. The 12 yr old daughter stayed with Cara and the mom actually drove us there so that I wouldn't have to find it on my own. A lifesaver, I am not kidding.

Once we got to the ER, J's poor noggin had stopped bleeding but they said he still needed 3 stitches, which was pretty awful but quick and now he's doing fine. We went back this morning for a wound check and they said everything looks good and stitches can come out on Tues. For his part, Jarrett is milking it for all it's worth. Anytime we tell him something he doesn't want to hear, like "no", he throws his hand up to his head, turns down the corners of his mouth in almost a cartoonish look of despair and says "but I have boo-boo!"

My only concern now is that, after 4 trips to the ER in less than 2 years, someone is going to alert the authorities.

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