Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Proof of Justice in This World...or an Auntie Conspiracy

Just in case you thought there was no justice in this world, no fairness, no sense of order and logical turn of events...Jarrett has begun a new thing, and from what I understand, I have it coming to me. Lately, for the past week or so, J is asking "why?" to everything we say. To things we tell him and to answers we give to his own questions.

Jarrett: Mommy, I go to Target and get Doc?
Me: No, we aren't getting any new toys for awhile, maybe for your birthday.
Jarrett: Why?
Me: Because you have lots of toys already to play with.
Jarrett: Why?
and so on.

Me: Okay, lets go home and make lunch.
Jarrett: Why?

Argghhh!!!!!!!!!!! Mom, Dad, Robert, Carol (and okay, even Jim, even now) I'm sorry. From the bottom of my pea-pickin heart.

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